Sunday, December 11, 2011

TheMe Project

There has been a lot weighing on my heart that past couple of days, and as the Lord is showing me...other people have a lot on their hearts as well. I've decided to start something called theme project. Where it is supposed to be read as: "the me project." It will be a time where whatever is on your heart can be posted. I've asked a few friends to get it started. I would love to see this flourish into a project similar to post secret, just on a way smaller scale. Some of the writings may be ramblings, almost self-conscious surrenderings of my heart to God, but any feedback (anonymous to the public of course) is greatly appreciated. I know I am not the only one who struggles with not having a way to fully express thoughts or feelings into solidified words...but who's to say it's not worth the try?

   "You are wanting me to understand where you're coming from. I'm going to tell you I'm trying because I have been. You see, it's hard for me to understand how you truly feel about me when the only time you show any sort of care at all is when I've done something you are embarrassed or ashamed of. How am I supposed to react to that? I am confused. I want to give up on you and I but is that really doing anything about this problem? You say you love me, but all I am receiving is the same "so-called love" I felt from everyone else when I was younger. Do I blame you, of course not. Am I lost? Absolutely and I'm seeking help because I don't want to lose you. I'm tired though because I would do anything for you, but life seems to be pulling us further apart.  --me."

"weight has shifted.
felt, but different
tears fall often.
some, no reason
judgment felt.
has it really existed?
escape can come.
who does it benefit?
home. here. there.
my mind's drifted.
   uplifted. He's lifting me up."

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Tis the Season!

The holiday season has once again entered the year, and I must say is off to a wonderful start. Thanksgiving is one of my absolute favorite holidays of the year. How awesome is it that one whole day is dedicated to giving thanks for all that the Lord has provided for us and our families. Although thanksgiving toward God should be a more-than-one-time-a-day occurrence, I just love the time I get to share with both sides of my family; laughing, eating, and sharing all that has happened since the last time we were together.
I was at church at Southland Christian last night, and the pastor spoke about making a running list of all that I am thankful for…no matter how big/small, important/petty…just whatever came to mind. So I decided what better place to start this list than my blog?!
This semester has proven to be a time of pure reliance on God for every waking moment that I am alive. I truly cannot go even one second without leaning on Him. He has proven even more so how He never fails and never leaves us. I had strayed away from God, whether I wanted to admit that or not… I had. It was when I was watching Fireproof the other night (which is a MUST see if you haven’t already!) and God put on my heart all of these truths that I had been forgetting. Praise God! My heart rejoices in the fact that I have so much to hope in for the coming days. And I don’t have to worry about a single thing, because He’s got it under control!
That all being said, here are some of the first things that came to mind when I sat down to make my “thank you” list to God:

    Thank you for the rain and its reminder that I am washed clean. Thank you for the mountains and the immediate joy and peace I feel when I see them. Thank you for mirrors and the truths You’ve revealed to me through them. Thank you for guitar sessions with the roommate and how that has brought us closer. Thank You for the ability to work out and the progress I’ve made. Thank you for peanut butter and jelly sandwiches…for overalls and photographs that remind me of my summer. Thank you for new friends that feel like ones I’ve known forever. Thank you for sleeping in and lazy days…for Pandora and silent moments to just think. Thank you for time with family and laughing until it hurts and tears are streaming down our faces. Thank you for parents who don’t have a marriage centered around You, and how I have learned the importance of Christ in a relationship through that. Thank you for the rough times and for the good times that I will never forget because I wouldn’t be who I am without them. Thank you for a sisterhood that I grow to love more and more every day. Thank you for the passion for people and for service that You have placed on my heart. Thank you for opportunities to come. Thank you for free futons. Thank you for letters in the mail, and for those unexpected surprises. Thank you for the times I feel like crying, because it reminds me that I have a heart that can hurt or be overwhelmed with joy. Thank you for being so much bigger than me. Thank you for the cross and for a love I will never be deserving of.
I hope you all have a wonderful and blessed day…and a holiday season full of your favorite things and memories…but most of all a season full of Christ!

Song of the Moment: Love is Not a Fight – Warren Barfield
Verse of the Day: “And what does God call of us? To do justice, to love mercy and to walk humbly with God.”       - Micah 6:8

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Never an End to a Great Thing

A little bit of time has passed since I was in Appalachia. Even though I said I was going to take time for myself to debrief and reflect on the summer, I really havent yet. So I figured now would be a better time than any. Every day, my heart longs more and more to be in those mountains. To have to wake up at 5:30 in the morning, throw on my overalls, and head to the lumber store in a 15-passenger van with the windows down and Top 40s blaring on the radio. It is awesome how God has given me little reminders that this summer wasnt a dream. How, at 3:00 p.m on Sundays, I always happen to look at the clock and think, “My volunteers will be here soon.” Or how I sometimes get the urge to eat a PB&J sandwich…just because I think that is all there is to eat for lunch. Then there are days where I daydream in class, my mind still not comprehending the fact that I DID IT: spent a summer repairing homes for 15 families in Central Appalachia. Knowing how to build a porch, ramp, put a truss roof on a trailer, re-pitch a roof on a house, fix the plumbing in a bathroom, install a girder/foundation system…only based on 10 days of construction training. I learned how to drive a 15-passenger van up and down the hills of West Virginia, even maneuvering switch-backs…no matter how many boards of lumber or bags of concrete or drywall I was transporting. God opened my heart and instilled in me the confidence to share my testimony to over 600 people ranging from 15 years old to 87 years old. I lived with three other college-aged adults who became my family in a matter of 8 weeks. I miss the inside jokes we had that no one else would ever understand (Bananagrams, J-bolt, secant, DoubleD, flintastic, inside-corner). I can only laugh when I randomly think of how exciting it was to drive 45 minutes to Lowe’s and getting a couple bars of cell reception. Being at college has been great, though. I love having such a powerful support system I can turn to. My sorority sisters, Campus Outreach friends, an even the freshmen I have just met have shown so much support in wanting to hear about my summer and being that shoulder to lean on when I need it. As I sit here in my dorm room, with my overalls hanging up in my closet, it’s a constant struggle for me to move onto my life in college without the continuous thoughts about my families—how they are doing, if our projects are holding up, do they even remember me? I am so hopeful though as I look through all of the thousands of pictures, taken by volunteers, that I made a difference and that God used me this summer. I have stayed in contact with many of my volunteers and I rejoice when I hear that they haven’t forgotten about their week in Mingo County. This summer wasn’t about me, whether I would still fall in love with Appalachia Service Project. It wasn’t about building a resume or having some awesome story to be able to tell when I go back to school. This summer was about surrendering to God; going back to the basics of who I was and who He wants me to be. It was about realizing that I wasn’t perfect, and that I still have so much to learn. This summer was about letting God use me in so many ways: to be an inspiration to youth that found hope through  my story, to be the motivator to 600 people that they are the hands and feet of Christ and to see them become excited about working for the Lord. It was about humbling my heart and allowing 15 families to step in and show me the most down-to-earth faith I will probably ever experience. I came into this summer as a girl who worried about so many things, but came out of it worrying about nothing because for once, I finally realized what Philippians 4:6-7 looked like. I may not have a clear picture of what my life will look like in a few weeks, months, or years, but I know that every morning when I wake up that God chose me for another day and that is all I need to focus on. I found out even more that I don’t have to go into anything with expectations, just an open and flexible heart. I was afraid of how I was going to grow this summer, but now looking back, God grew me in ways I could have never imagined. One verse, since I’ve came back to school that has really helped me when I  feel like no one understands, is Micah 6:8 where it says, “He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what exactly does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” That’s it. That is all I have to do…it is what He requires…so why not?! I feel that this verse has become my new life verse from this summer. I write a peace sign, a heart, and a cross after my signature. Before I read this verse, I told everyone it meant peace love faith. But now it stands for peace sign (seek justice), heart (love mercy) and cross (walk humbly with God). God has stilled my heart, and although I rejoice in the fact, I struggle with this because I see the world and life from such a different perspective. I see how materialistic, political, and petty the world can be…and it’s hard to stand on my own ground when I see the injustice in people’s decisions. But I have to love them anyway. Every day, God answers my prayer a little more about seeing the world as He sees it. I pray every day that I can be a light on my campus and that God gives me the confidence to love like I did this summer and to never let go on the strength I get from Him to “not be conformed any longer to the pattern of this world, but to be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test what and approve what God’s will is, his good, pleasing and perfect will.” –Romans 12:2

Monday, July 4, 2011

Long Overdue: Appalachia in June

I guess when you get caught in the midst of a great thing, the idea of keeping up-to-date with your blog is the last thing that crosses your mind. One thing that I cannot wrap my mind around is the fact that I have been in Appalachia for over a month! Today was the first work day for our Week 4 volunteers...which means I have gotten to know and then have to say goodbye to 3 weeks worth of amazing people.

Week 1: No words. I've thought and thought about how I could describe the experiences I shared with this amazing bunch of youth and adults alike...and to be honest, all my praise goes to God for bringing them all into my life. I could not have ask for any other people who could nurture me and stretch me any more than they did. I came out of this old mold I have been comfortably in, and for a lack of better terms, allowed me to be me. The me God created...and every single person (I feel) saw me in that light. After our Wednesday night prayer walk, I told my staff share. A staff share is kind of like a testimony, but more so about how the Lord has changed my life through ASP. I was continuing to pray that the Lord would be heard through my words by the volunteers, and that one person fell in love with this place as much, if not more, than I do. I ended my share with the song I posted last time. I feel like my share brought me a lot closer to many of the volunteers for many different reasons. Saturday morning came and that's when reality hit. I had to say not goodbye, but "See you later" to all of my new family members. ASP has a way of bringing people together for one week and turning relationships into lifelong ones. The reality that this was going to happen 7 more times was not something I was not looking forward to. BUT...what a perfect way to start out this amazing summer!

Week 2: Although I went into this week with still the longing for my Week 1 churches to come back, the Lord ceased to amaze me in what He had in store for Mingo County. I feel as if I grew more in my relationships with the families than with the volunteers, which I think is important to have a balance between the two. I quickly learned that I could only cherish the memories with previous groups and not automatically begin drawing comparisons to later groups. By the end of the week, I saw the beauty in the growth of the volunteers which I found to be extremely encouraging. As with Week 1, these people loved and uplifted me right when I needed it most.

Week 3: Again, the Lord provided new things for me to experience, grow, and struggle with this week. Last week, I was beginning to grow weary, but I refused to believe it was because of the lack of sleep. Although, I'm sure that plays a role, I was growing weak because I wasn't putting as much discipline in my efforts to spend time with the Lord everyday. How can I, whom God chose to be alive every day up to now, surrounded by mountains, people and love, forget to make my Creator my number one priority?! Silly, Katie. Isaiah 40:31 reminded me that God provides all that I will ever need. Even though I often find myself doubting whether or not I can do this job...I know I can because of the Lord's Will and strength that He so graciously provides. To end this rollercoaster of a week, my mom and brother came down to get  a taste of what I love so much. Praise God because my mom finally understands what ASP means to me! What an answer to prayer!!

So that is all...for now!
PS---I'm a brunette now (:

Also, check out this link to get a better feel as to what I'm doing this summer...and to look at some pretty sweet pics!

Song of the Moment: Slumber by Needtobreathe
Verse of the Moment: John 16:33

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Appalachia Service Project 2011 **Follow the Word...Transform the World**

Training on the Porch

      A little less than a week life completely changed. The beginning of a new chapter is always something to look forward to....especially if you have been waiting four years for it. After a refreshing evening with the roommate/ Three Amigos, I "headed down south to the land of the pines." The weather was perfect for my very first arrival on The Porch, where all of ASP's training takes place. My first thought? I am home. Even as I currently sit here, I still can't believe that I am about to embark on the best summer of my life. After volunteering for four years, I am now on the other side. Coming into training, my heart and mind were open with little expectations. I figured, why not just let the Lord work and enjoy every ounce of it. Every single person here is absolutely wonderful. Two people, just to name a few, have really been spectacular this week. My big,  sib is so similar to me that it's crazy. She has one of the sweetest hearts of any person I have ever met...not to mention her contagious laugh. Another returning staffer who is in my living quarters has been absolutely fantastic as well. She is someone, although I have only known for ten days, I feel comfortable enough to confide in her...and the similarities between our pasts are unreal.
    I feel like I've been reunited with the most loving friends (even though this is the first time I have met most of them). There are a lot of familiar faces I met at my application weekend, but everyone feels like family. Each day is filled to the brim with either sessions, meals, or fellowship. The construction sessions have been pretty easy to grasp, although I know that I do not know it all. The realization that I am human...and flawed for that matter...has become much clearer during training. It's okay to not have a clue about construction, I just have to surrender to the fact that I am here to GROW and LEARN and to be open to WHATEVER the Lord has in store for my life.

     There have been times that I have felt anxious, but I just have to remember that the Lord says "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, give your requests to God." --Philippians 4:6-7. I just have to remember that God has fully equipped me to be here in Appalachia, and I just have to turn to Him for the source of my strength and perseverence. The Lord has answered every prayer in ways that I could never even have imagined. When I was afraid, He provided comfort and reassurance. When I felt alone, He provided community that lifted me up. My heart could not be more overjoyed than it is right now.

     I feel comfortable this is where I have been called (which I have). God has equipped me with everything I need...and at the time when I will need it. I'm doing things that I never thought could ever happen to someone like me. At the talent show...the night before every staff left for their counties, I played my guitar and sang the song "Love Me" by JJ Heller. While reading over the lyrics, I realized that I had finally found the song that captures what Appalachia Service Project means to me. It was at ASP where I finally felt that people loved me for me and showed me the most genuine love I've ever experienced...and I didn't even know them!! After looking at the verses, I found how each one (in one way or another) was a part of my testimony...or at least thoughts I had perceived about myself over the years. Here is how it went:
     -She cries in the corner where nobody sees
      she's the girl with the story no one would believe.
      She prays every night, "Dear God won't you please,
      could you send someone here who would love me.

     -Who will love me for me?
      Not for what I have done or what I will become.
      Who will love me for me?
      'Cause nobody has shown me what love, what love really means.

     -Her life seems to sink just a little each day
      She's the girl who thinks her life is one big mistake.
      She'll go to the gym after school everyday,
      maybe if she was thinner then it would be okay
      And she says

     -Who will love me for me?
       Not for what I have done or what I will become.
       Who will love me for me?
       'Cause nobody has shown me what love, what love really means.

      -She's waiting to die as she sits all alone
       She's a girl in her room who regrets what she's done.
       She utters a cry from the depths of her soul
      "Oh Lord, forgive me, I want to go Home."

      -Then she heard a voice somewhere deep inside
      And it said, "I know you're broken and I know you're scarred."
      For I've watched you suffer for all of your life
      And now that you'll listen, I'll tell you that I

      - I will love you for you
      Not for what you have done or what you will become
      I will love you for you
      I will give you the love the love that you never knew.

I am usually not one to spill most of my life story in front of 120 college-age adults, but I feel like someone out there needed to hear it. After the night was almost over, I went out and joined a small group of close friends (mostly first-years) behind the sleeping quarters for a praise and worship session under the stars. We were singing with all we guards were up...all of our hearts were opened. We read scripture, laughed, cried, and sat to enjoy the peace and silence being in the presence of the Lord. There was so much joy overflowing in our hearts and a sense of peace we all needed before this summer really took place.

I know this is a little overdue. I will try to update every Saturday or Sunday before the volunteers arrive. Welcome Home to Mingo County, West Virginia....welcome Home.

Song of the Moment: Our God by Chris Tomlin
Scripture of the Moment: Numbers 6:24

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Little Life Lessons (Part 1)

A few words that I have learned through experience along the way:

Be humble and be confident (in yourself)...the kind of confidence that can only come from the Lord and the humility that resembles how Christ was like as described in Philippians 2. You are here on this earth for a purpose. If you are alive enough to read this blog...that means God is not finished with you yet! The same God who created all that is around you--all that takes your breath away--is the same Creator that made you! Accept the fact that you are beautiful, hand-chosen by God to fulfill His plan made specifically for you. He doesn't need any of us, yet He chooses us. To think that we are the lowest of sinners and He longs for us?! Never feel as if you are alone because even in your steepest vallyes, God will always be right beside you.

Song of the Moment: Love Me by JJ Heller

"Christ is best served by people who have a passion for Him. Nothing short of passion will do...Can He now ignite a fire in youand me so that we, in turn, will share it with others, the world? -->George Foster

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Unspeakable Joy Part 1

God is something else! Today, the Lord has just been moving on my heart in so many ways. Many of which, I do not understand yet, but I trust that the Lord will reveal it to me later. Last night I went and learned more about fellowship at one of the two women's Bible studies that I am in. I had had a pretty rough day, so the condition of my heart was not that of going to Bible study...but gosh am I glad that I did. I find it so assuring to me that God knows my heart deeper and more intricately than any person in the entire universe! He knew I needed that fellowship and He was abundant in blessing me with intense and encouraging conversations.

I love being able to laugh, cry, learn and grow together with all of my sisters in Christ that God has brought into my life this year. It is so amazing that I trusted in the Lord to lead me to Georgetown College, and that He quickly placed all of these wonderful people who are just as hungry, if not more, to grow in their love and knowledge of the Lord. Yes, there have been those days where I don't see my joy in the day, and yes, I fall into the old slump I used to live in. BUT, God has been faithful (as always) in making sure someone is there to hold me accountable and to guard my heart and fill it with the hope and trust that He isn't finished with me yet. Once I saw myself slipping, I realized that " need to see the joys God has brought to you today." Now that I am focusing on that, it seems that the Lord has opened my spiritual eyes to see the world more like He sees it. I also find that there are all these little things that give me this unspeakable joy that sets my heart on fire. All I can do is praise the Lord for the words I can't find for His gorgeous creation and simple treasures that I used to overlook!

Peace. Love. Faith

Song of the Moment--Every Moment by Joy Williams